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Technology Guides
The incredible hidden feature of the Huawei Mate 10 Pro that your friends will love
The Huawei Mate 10 Pro has an incredible hidden feature that all of your friends will love - the device can be used to charge other…
Australian-made reusable Uppercup can help coffee lovers save the environment
Australians love a takeaway coffee but our caffeine addiction could be causing a problem with disposable coffee cups seen as a major…
CASA releases new app to help drone pilots fly safely in the right areas
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has just released a new smartphone app to make it even easier to identify areas where you…
Turn your smartphone into a wi-fi hotspot
We live in a connected world and being able to maintain that connection with all of our devices can be challenging and expensive.…
How to sync your iPhone, iPad to multiple computers
Can you sync your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to more than one computer? Yes you can and doing this will allow you to share and…
How to connect more devices to your network
Users with access to broadband are finding new ways to utilise that high-speed connection. Apart from your computer there are now…
How to send an iPhone/iPad app as a gift
Often when we are searching for new apps in iTunes for our iPhone or iPad we sometimes come across various selections we think…
Choose the right size TV for your room
Apart from getting a lot slimmer the latest TVs are also getting wider. The square box has been replaced with a widescreen…
Connect two monitors to the same computer
Our computers can be used in so many different ways that there are times when it would help to have more than one screen.
Turn your PC or Mac into a multi-region DVD player.
Many users view their computers as much as an entertainment device as it a communication and productivity tool.
With every regular…
Erase a hard drive
How to erase a computer hard drive.
There comes a time when a user needs to completely wipe the hard drive on their computer.