Were you lying then, or are you lying now?. This week on The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen podcast we’re watching Witness For the Prosecution released in 1957 and starring Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich and Tyrone Power.
Witness for the Prosecution tells the story of Sir Wilfred Robarts who is tasked with defending Leonard Vole on a murder charge with circumstantial evidence painting a bleak picture – but his wife holds the key – can she provide him with an alibi?
Stephen watched Witness for the Prosecution for the first time on TV on VHS in the 80s and now owns it on every disc format it has been released on while Trevor is cross examining the film for the very first time.
We go through the memorable scenes and share some interesting facts, behind the scenes tidbits, trivia, fact v fiction and other things you don’t know about the film.
You can listen to the show on the player below.
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