Google Glass, the wearable technology that’s being developed by the internet giant, has found yet another use – this time to help us with our shopping.
Worn like a pair of glasses, Google Glass contains a small camera and screen to allow users to view real time information on the move.
The new technology, created by GS1, allows users to scan barcodes in supermarkets with Google Glass and receive product information, recipes, special offers and even customer reviews.
GS1 is a not-for-profit organisation for the design and implementation of global standards that manages the system of bar codes used around the world.
GS1, in association with the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), has created a number of data sharing services to make it easier for brands and retailers to share information about their products.
“Consumer’s today are using mobile devices to access instant product information from various online sources,” said Maria Palazzolo, CEO at GS1 Australia.
“The next generation of bar code scanning is a key driver for consumers to access this information on demand and a tool for media owners to engage more effectively with users.
“Our demonstration using Google Glass is an innovative way for retailers, manufacturers and mobile solution providers to imagine the future and the way we share information on mobile devices.
“If we can inspire the mobile ecosystem to see the possibilities for implementing the specifications we are developing, then this will be an exciting proposition for consumers.”
Google Glass connects wirelessly with your smartphone and allows users access power of Google’s online products – including search and mapping – hands free using voice commands.
The device has only been released to developers who are busily creating apps and uses for various medical, industrial and business scenarios.
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