Our little movie podcast – The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen – is three years old and we go back and take another look at the ratings we’ve given out for the more than 150 movies we’ve covered on the show.
The first episode was released on August 13, 2021.
Stephen and Trevor take a look through the movies featured on the show and talk about the movies they rated a 10 – Stephen rated 11 movies a 10 while Trevor gave 8 a perfect score.
But we also go back and reconsider a couple of other movies that Trevor did not rate very highly and gave him some homework – rewatch them and re-rate them. But which movies did he re-watch?
Stephen also shares some of his favourite quotes from the movies they have featured on the podcast.
You can listen to the show on the player below.
Subscribe to the show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-best-movies-youve-never-seen/id1578996864