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Protection Planning: How to Introduce Safety Measures Into Your Workplace

Safety is a growing concern for business owners and operators. If you don’t have suitable protocols in place, you will expose yourself and your staff to more risk than necessary. We can easily miss it, or even over time, some protocols or safety measures may be outdated. It’s essential to keep up with current practices and update measures often. 

If you haven’t implemented PPE stations and safety measures in your workplace, it’s encouraged that you do so as soon as possible if something is likely to go wrong, then it probably will go wrong. If you do end up introducing safety measures, it’s essential you implement them correctly by training and informing staff appropriately. Also, you must do some research into the best products and practices that are appropriate for your business. 

This article will highlight the best ways to introduce safety measures into your business and hopefully give you some inspiration to implement improved practices. 


It’s important not to skip this step as many new considerations may come into play during the planning phase. Implementing safety measures takes some strategy up front as its multifaceted and will require consultation with many staff and departments in your organisation. You will need to consider things such as the risks vs rewards, the budget, the goals and the adoption of staff members. 

During the planning phase, you’ll need to decide on what measures are required for your business; once you’ve decided on measures, you’ll need to plan the strategy on how to put this in place. The planning is essential because it determines the framework and timescale you’ll need to implement these measures. If you anticipate any delays or objections upfront, you’ll be better equipped to make smoother transitions. 


We’ve touched on this earlier, but due to its importance, we thought we’d elaborate. The timing phase is critical because safety is an important consideration, and accidents can happen at any time. You want to implement protocol and procedures as fast as you can to protect your business. But you don’t want to compromise on quality. 

The one vital aspect of this is that you need to introduce the equipment and training at the same time. There is no use training staff about the safety protocols if you’re waiting for equipment the following week. Ensure that all equipment training and procedures are ready at the same time so the implementation can be as smooth as possible.

Educating Staff

The education of staff is paramount to implementing an effective workplace safety protocol. If you have all the systems in place but staff don’t know what to do during emergencies, then the whole effort would be in vain. The team most likely will have some questions or objections depending on how drastic the changes are, so this is why education is essential. 

How you want to format training is up to you and your niche of business. If you’re working in the construction industry, then you’re likely best to have in-person training where office safety measures are possible to be done online. The most important aspect of this stage is to ensure all staff know exactly how to use equipment and exactly what to do during emergencies. Instructions need to be straightforward, easy to follow and easy to remember. 

Implement Meausures

So once the items arrive, staff are trained on processes and how to use the equipment; we can then implement measures in the workplace. If you’re planning phase and education phase have been done successfully, then this should be a piece of cake. 

This step will involve installing equipment and informing the staff that measures are currently in place. The legal aspect also means that any incidents that happen after this specific date will have different considerations depending on what you’ve implemented. This legal aspect is why the planning stage is so important. 

Monitor New Measures

Now that everything is put into place, we can run the business as required and continue as normal. The only thing you’ll need to focus on moving forward is monitoring the new measures and considering any improvements you’ll need to make. It might be tricky if you don’t experience any safety issues or emergencies, but if you keep up to date with any new practices, it should help with inspiration. 

While monitoring how your business manages daily, you should also keep an eye out for new safely products and procedures in the industry. Many products like the PPE station are coming into the marketplace daily, so as a business owner, you should keep your eye out. Apart from that, you can now lay back knowing that your staff and protected and have that peace of mind.