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Ookla releases Internet Performance Report – who’s the fastest mobile and fixed telco?

Ookla, the company behind the Speedtest app, has released its Internet Performance Report which looks at the speed of Australia’s mobile and fixed networks. So how did your telco perform?

Ookla’s Speedtest rankings are based on median download speeds which best indicate the likely speeds a user will experience.

These speed tests were carried out on both the mobile network and the fixed network.

Telstra were found to offer the fastest median download speeds on mobile while Aussie Broadband were found to offer the fastest median fixed broadband speeds.

The Ookla report found Telstra came out on top with a median download speed of 95.83Mbps.

They were followed by Optus at 86.92Mbps and Vodafone with 66.40Mbps.

But Optus registered the lowest multi-server latency at 35ms – in front of Telstra and Vodafone on 37ms.

In terms of consistency of each operator’s performance Telstra scored 88.4 per cent ahead of Optus (87.6 per cent) and Vodafone (85.5 per cent).

For fixed broadband Aussie Broadband scored the fastest median download speed of 67.4Mbps – well ahead of Optus at 52.93Mbps, Telstra (51.78Mbps), TPG (49.98Mbps) and iiNet (49.15Mbps).

Aussie Broadband also came out on top for highest consistency of download speeds with 85.7 per cent.

Next came Optus (81.8 per cent), Telstra (79.6 per cent), TPG (76.8 per cent) and iiNet (75.2 per cent).

For latency on fixed broadband, Aussie Broadband also topped the list at 13ms followed by TPG (14ms), iiNet (15ms), Telstra (16ms) and Optus (17ms).