Circles Life has launched Australia’s first “Pay What You Want” mobile plans which allows customers to pay for that they need month to month.
Plans start at $5 a month for 5GB data and go all the way up to $45 for 110GB data.
But Circles Life is also offering a price point at every $1 increment between the lowest and highest plans as well for even more flexibility.
“Our industry is known for using opaque tactics such as forcing customers onto more expensive plans to get the latest handset, or ‘data rollover’ which is data you’ve paid for that you don’t need,” says Genevieve Brock, Circles Life head of marketing.
“We are doing the untelco thing by giving Australians a genuine choice and transforming the inflexible world of telco to a flexible one.
“Our Pay What You Want deals are a first in the Australian telco industry, and we are excited to bring this innovation to our customers.”
The Circle Life Pay What You Want bespoke plans comes at a time when Australians are facing cost of living pressures and rising interest rates.
The idea behind Pay What You Want is to provide flexibility for customers who don’t want to be locked in to paying the same price each month whether they use their data or not.
According to a Circles Life survey of Australians aged 18-35, the average cost of a mobile phone plan is $63.
Telstra users paying $58 a month receive 40GB data can save up to $28 a month on Circles Life while Optus customers shelling out $49 for 30GB can enjoy a $38 saving per month.
And for customers who don’t use a lot of data per month, they can opt for the lower end plans starting at just $5 a month for 5GB data.
Circles Life operates on the Optus 4G network.
The plans start at $5 for 5GB, $6GB for 6GB and so on in dollar increments up to $10 for 10GB.
At $11 the plans jump to 31GB data, $12 for 32GB and so on up $25 for 45GB.
At $26 the plans go to 51GB data, $27 for 52GB and so on all the way to $35 for 60GB.
At $36 the data allowance per month is 101GB all the way up to $45 for 110GB.