The Student System: A Guide to Successfully Studying Online
Are you struggling to find the time and motivation to study? The internet has made it easier than ever before to learn anything. Studying online can be a great way to get ahead in your classes. It’s convenient, flexible and affordable. But it can also be tricky if you don’t know how to do it right.
That’s why we’ve put together this guide full of helpful information about how to study online successfully. It includes everything from what tools will help you focus, find resources for any subject matter, and even advise on staying motivated while studying.
How Certificate III Courses Can Kickstart Your Career
We all know that the job market is tough, and it’s even more challenging if you’re looking for a job in an industry where there are few jobs available.
Not everyone has the time or commitment to lock themselves into years of study. However, that doesn’t mean you are locked out of studying online.
Certificate III courses are designed for people who have little or no experience. They can be completed in as few as 12 months and offer a pathway into many different industries.
It doesn’t matter what age group or demographic group you fall into because our online accredited courses in Australia are designed to be accessible for anyone so you can get the upper hand when the time comes to apply for a job in your chosen profession.
The key to success is a well-planned study schedule
Being disciplined and setting a schedule you will stick to is vital, whether you have experience working or studying at home or not.
There are many free digital planners available which will help keep you organised. So you can balance your work and life commitments with your study without clashing and be in greater control.
Learn actively
It can be tough to retain information and produce your best work when your mind is preoccupied. One of the best benefits of studying online is having the flexibility to operate off a personalised schedule.
There are many distractions and disruptions at home and in our daily lives, and we might not be in the right state of mind to get the neurons firing when trying to juggle it all. So maximise when you feel energised, ready to attack the books, and have no other distractions to pull you away from them.
Active learning is a teaching method that engages students in the process of acquiring knowledge. It’s based on the idea that people learn best when they are actively involved in their education, and it has been shown to improve student performance across all subjects.
By choosing the right moments to study and take control of your schedule, you are going to achieve much greater results than trying to push through your study when your head is focused on other things.
Handwrite notes
It has been scientifically proven that it is more beneficial to read handwritten notes than typed text on paper or a computer screen. Researchers at the Norwegian Center for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education have discovered that handwritten text will activate different brain parts tied to learning.
There is a kind of muscle memory associated with writing notes that are burned into the brain so that when you read over the words, they are tied to the movements required to write them. This helps you retain the information as memory much more effectively, as typing activates fewer areas of the brain.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Professor Audrey van der Meer has examined the brain activity of children and adults and found that handwriting gave the brain more “hooks” to hang memories on.
“Writing by hand creates much more activity in the sensorimotor parts of the brain. A lot of senses are activated by pressing the pen on paper, seeing the letters you write and hearing the sound you make while writing,” she said.
“These sensory experiences create contact between different parts of the brain and open the brain up for learning. We both learn better and remember better.”