Take a look at the Gluxkind baby stroller that is smart enough to rock itself and to keep your baby safe and relaxed on the move.
Gluxkind is German for “lucky child” and it is a lucky child who gets to ride in this smart stroller which we found at the CES Unveiled show in Las Vegas
On board is an electric motor similar to that found on electric bike that offers assistance to make it a easy to push along the Glkuxkind stroller. We did it with one finger.
And it applies the brakes as soon as you stop pushing.
But it’s not just about mobility, it’s also about keeping your baby happy and relaxed.
Inside is a speaker so you can play white noise or music to keep your child happy.
There is even a mode that will rock the Gluxkind stroller back and forth on its own if you’re trying to get your baby off to sleep.
On the front handle is a camera that is used to detect the person pushing the pram is authorised to do so.
If a stranger tried to push the pram it wouldn’t budge.
Now parents won’t feel like they’ve got their hands full if they want to take their baby outside – what was previously seen as a stressful task can now be absolute bliss with the Gluxkind stroller.
* Stephen Fenech travelled to Las Vegas for CES with support from Samsung, LG and Hisense