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7 Treatment Options to Stop Snoring

Do you or your spouse snore occasionally or regularly? If you do, you may wonder how to stop snoring or if any snoring treatment exists at all. Snoring can be quite irritating, especially if you are trying to get some shut-eye. But studies show that snoring could be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea.

This sleep disorder is potentially dangerous as it causes recurrent pauses in breathing when sleeping during the night.

This is why it is vitally essential to locate and eliminate the root cause of snoring to not affect your relationship. And find out how to permanently crush this worrisome problem before it causes harm.

What Causes Snoring?

Men, women, and children snore without any exception. However, it is much more common in men or overweight individuals. And as you get older, it gets worse.

Snoring is the act of breathing noisily during sleep caused when breathing is blocked when asleep.

As you breathe steadily, the air is forced through soft tissues, causing them to vibrate. And it is the vibration that gives off the telltale snorts or grunts that may get you summarily banished from the bedroom by your significant other.

But then, some people are natural snorers. However, in most cases, snoring is caused by any of the following underlying conditions:

  • Stuffiness and chronic congestion
  • Obesity
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Deviated septum or any other structural problems in your nose

Some cases of snoring occur as a result of sleep position, i.e., the way you position your upper body when asleep.

But there are several treatment options you may consider in your search for ways to stop snoring.

Here are seven treatment options to stop snoring:

1.    Use an External Nasal Dilator

An external nasal dilator is an adhesive strip stiffened for effectiveness and usually applied atop the nose and across the nostrils.

You can consider using this device as it helps to decrease airflow resistance significantly. This will make it easier for you to breathe, thereby reducing snoring considerably.

You may also consider nasal strips, a stick-on contraption affixed to the bridge of your nose to help increase that space within the nasal passage. It has been known to make your breathing highly effective and can also eliminate or reduce snoring.

2.    Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

CPAP, i.e., continuous positive airway pressure, refers to a treatment that involves wearing a mask over the mouth and nose while you sleep.

This mask is hooked to a mechanical/electrical device that delivers a non-stop flow of clean air into your nostrils.

The pressure from this airflow will keep the airways – from your nose to the throat – open so that nothing impairs your breathing.

Other positive airway pressure machines exist, including the BiPAP. The latter comes with two air pressure levels, while another machine – i.e., the VPAP – takes care of varying air pressure levels.

3.    Lose Weight

If you are overweight, you should start losing that extra weight. This will help minimize the amount of tissue in your throat that may cause snoring.

Start the weight loss journey by minimizing your overall caloric intake. Eat only smaller portions of healthier food. Do away with junk food and engage actively in daily workouts.

It is also not a bad idea to see your nutritionist or medical doctor for assistance.

4.    Sleep on Your Side

As mentioned briefly earlier, the position you sleep in can induce snoring. Sleeping on your back – or the prone position – significantly boosts the likelihood of snoring.

But it has been keenly observed that people that sleep on their sides – or the lateral position – hardly snore.

This shows that the tendency to snore has more to do with head position than the body’s position. When you turn your head to one side, you will likely snore less.

Therefore, if you discover that you usually snore at night, especially when you sleep on your back, consider falling asleep on your side.

You can use pillows to enhance your comfort and ensure your head and body are maintained in the lateral position.

5.    Take Advantage of an Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece

Only very few people know that several dental devices exist that help to alleviate snoring. The anti-snoring mouthpieces can take a little getting used to, especially when compared with the external nasal dilator.

And this is because they are larger than nasal dilators and also sit in your mouth overnight.

Anti-snoring mouthpieces are nothing but mouthguards you can buy over the counter and are available in 2 distinct varieties:

  1. Mandibular advancement devices (MADs)
  2. Tongue stabilizing devices (TSDs)

MADs are much more common and are generally moulded or customized to fit your teeth. They are adjusted in such a way that they make your lower jaw jut out. It may be a minor jaw alignment, but it helps to minimize snoring considerably.

Through technological advancement, custom 3D printed oral appliances for treating snoring are now available with medically proven results, providing the best fit and comfort.

A tongue stabilizing device – or tongue retaining device – is also another variety of mouthpieces that can be fitted between your teeth.

However, this device works by holding your tongue in place via a suction that keeps the tongue from falling back into your throat.

Research shows that this particular device helped reduce the intensity of snorting by up to 68 per cent.

Anti-snoring devices have been proven to impact obstructive sleep apnea positively. However, it is never safe to self-treat or self-diagnose sleep apnea. Consult a healthcare professional before using any of these dental mouthpieces.

6.    Stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the unhealthiest habits known to man and can make your snoring worse. If you smoke a lot, one of the best options that work for snorers is quitting smoking.

Therefore, consult your physician to discuss therapies that will help you quit smoking. Gum or patches have been known to help smokers do away with the bad, unhealthy habit.

7.    Consider Surgery

At times, the only way to cure snoring is via surgery. Several procedures exist which can help ease the problem, as long as you can afford them.

Some of these procedures include:

  • Turbinate reduction
  • Deviated septum repair
  • Implantable nerve stimulator
  • Adenoid and tonsil removal
  • Uvula/palate surgery

You will need to consult your medical doctor and undergo a few medical examinations or tests before deciding which surgical procedure is best for you.


Snoring is a complicated issue that has caused many couples or partners to fall apart. And it may likely have more than one root cause, meaning that one remedy alone may not cure you 100 per cent.

The seven treatment options to stop snoring shared in this post should help alleviate this issue. Follow the options that appeal to you and begin to see changes in the way you sleep.

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