When correctly used, technology can lead to a massive boost in your business’s overall success. Although adopting new technologies can seem like a daunting task, businesses stand to gain a lot of benefits from using new tech and it’s worth it.
Considering how challenging today’s marketplace is, it is essential to utilize new technologies in your businesses to help you stay competitive. Luckily, the implementation of tech in businesses is now more affordable than ever.
So, if you’re searching for examples of the technologies that are drastically improving businesses, then look no further — this post was written with you in mind!
Here are 5 technologies that you should definitely consider implementing in your business today.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Automation of processes using robots can be one of the best ways to improve your business. Automated bots are often much better (and faster) than humans at carrying out repetitive tasks and are less likely to make mistakes.
Bots are basically custom-made software that can be designed to handle tasks like data entry and data extraction.
The best part about RPA is that bots can work 24/7 without having the need to monitor them. This means workers don’t have to carry out repetitive tasks, which can end up saving tremendous amounts of their time and energy. Talented people, therefore, can focus their attention on more important matters instead.
There are roughly 80 million jobs that are considered to be good candidates for automation, which means there’s almost a 100% chance that your business can make use of RPA.
One area where RPA can be highly beneficial for your business is processing orders for sales. In a traditional setup, an employee will secure a sales order and go on to manually input the details by themselves throughout each step of the process, keeping track of invoices and storing or printing documents along the way.
With an RPA bot on the other hand, this entire process can become automated and much more efficient by letting the bot handle the entire process from start to finish.
Not only that, automation can also translate into better customer satisfaction due to quicker and smoother product or service delivery.
If you want to learn more about process mining and automation, check out Apromore.
Cloud-based Storage
Thanks to cloud storage and computing, employees can submit important documents such as expense reports and work records remotely.
This results in saving a lot of time by getting rid of the inconvenience (and sluggishness) of having to deal with paper records and the hassle of submitting documents physically.
All important business documentation can be easily accessed and are stored safely on the cloud.
With the power of cloud computing, it is even possible for entire businesses to function without having an actual physical office.
Storing, organizing, and sharing important documentation can easily be done through services like Dropbox and Google Docs, which is extremely useful these days as working from home and remote teams, multi-location are in vogue.
In essence, this can mean that small businesses that don’t have the resources to rent out office spaces can still continue to function remotely and drive their funds to more important areas of the business.
Timesheet Software
There’s an application for almost anything you can think of these days, and most apps are designed to make an existing process much simpler.
For example, timesheet software has made it much easier to accurately keep track of your employee’s working hours, medical leaves, salaries, and the output they produce.
Timesheet software makes it much easier to keep tabs on all the important information you want to know about your workforce’s productivity by making your own custom templates.
Additionally, storing this data digitally has the added benefit of being completely paperless. Paperless archiving can be much more convenient and cost-efficient than using papers at the office.
Using timesheet software, businesses can reduce the cost of materials like paper and printer toners. And since all information is stored digitally, finding a record takes just a few taps. You may even be able to store all of this information on a cloud-based service, reducing the risk of data loss.
Artificial Intelligence Assistants
The most common form of AI implemented in businesses these days are chatbots. Chatbots are great for consumers as they result in faster customer support responses, which greatly improves the overall customer experience your company offers.
According to a survey, 64% of respondents stated the greatest benefit of chatbots is the ability to have questions answered 24/7.
Roughly 80% of businesses are expected to make use of chatbots by 2021. This positive upwards trend is due to the increasing willingness of consumers to engage with chatbots.
Consumers find it more comfortable to engage with chatbots due to their improved functionality such as voice recognition and better chat analysis.
Chatbots are great at solving simple queries and can redirect customers to the right people in case of more complex problems.
This means a much more manageable workload for customer support staff and fewer resources being spent entertaining simple consumer queries, which translates into a much more streamlined engagement process with customers.
Multiple queries can also be handled simultaneously and quickly using AI chatbots. The faster response time also means customers are less likely to bounce off and lose interest in your business.
Apps That Can Serve As Credit Card Readers
Apps are now available that can function as credit card readers. This can help many small businesses save time by eliminating the need for using physical registers.
This means businesses no longer need to keep physical files filled with invoices or store large amounts of cash physically. These apps can also help business owners keep an eye on inventory and sales history.
Finally, digital receipts can be sent to customers, which helps save money and the environment by going paperless.
All in all, these apps can greatly simplify the whole transaction process and make it much more manageable. If you’re looking to simplify things at your end so you can devote more energy to making profits, do check these apps out!