Kobo Plus e-book subscription service offers unlimited access to more than 580,000 titles

Rakuten Kobo and Australian online book retailer Booktopia today announced the Australian launch of Kobo Plus – and all-you-can-eat e-book subscription service which gives customers unlimited access to hundreds of thousands of titles.

For $13.99 per month, Australian readers will be able to enjoy full access to more than 580,000 e-books in the Kobo Plus catalogue with more being added each month.

This launch extends the partnership between Kobo, the global digital eReader leader and Booktopia, Australia’s largest online book retailer after the companies released co-branded e-reading apps for Android and iOS in April 2020.

“Digital reading is only increasing in popularity. It’s why we are so excited to introduce Kobo Plus, the next evolution in digital reading that enables our Australian customers to read more and discover new, exciting books that seamlessly integrate with their Kobo eReaders and apps, all for a low monthly price,” said Michael Tamblyn, CEO, Rakuten Kobo.

“Our mission is straightforward: make a reader’s life better.

“By working with an incredible partner like Booktopia, we can reach more Australian readers than ever before.”

Subscribers can access Kobo Plus via the Booktopia app for iOS and Android or through their Kobo eReader to start their journey of discovery.

“We’re pleased to extend our successful partnership with Rakuten Kobo. An eBook subscription service is an easy and cost-effective way for people to read, particularly those with a voracious appetite for reading.” said Tony Nash, CEO, Booktopia.

“Kobo eReaders are a very popular option for travellers and with access to so many books for a single, low price we would expect a healthy take up of the Kobo Plus subscription option as people begin to emerge from lockdowns and can once again explore their travel options.”

Customers can sign up for a free 30-day trial of Kobo Plus from today before paying $13.99 a month once the trial period is over.
